Dr. Hromadka did a perfect job on my breast augmentation! He was incredibly patient with me while I picked his brain on the procedure. I asked him a million questions about it and made sure that he understood what I was looking for out of it all while never making me feel like I was being a nuisance or too picky. I have been heavily involved in athletics for all my life, so I didn't want anyone to pressure me into going larger than I felt comfortable with. When I asked for the smallest sized implants, Dr. Hromadka was perfectly willing to accommodate my requests. It's important to be realistic with your goals and understand that you will probably encounter at least one aspect of a procedure that won't match up with your vision. For me, I didn't realize that my areolar were uneven to begin with and that the implants exaggerate the difference. When I spoke to Dr. Hromadka about this, he suggested a simple procedure to make them look even instead of telling me to get used to it (which I've heard has happened to some friends of mine who went to a different surgeon). I appreciate solutions, not lip service. I researched the hell out of every surgeon in my area and decided on Dr. Hromadka because of his values, his resume, and the natural appearance of everyone he's operated on. I had to travel 2.5 hours to Kalispell from Missoula, but it was worth it 100%. I was confident in my body before the breast augmentation but now I just have more fun! They've never interfered with my activities, which was the number one thing I wanted to avoid, and I had no idea I would like the implants THIS much. Dr. Hromadka AND the entire GVPS staff were amazing and I highly recommend them.